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Art and Design

 "Making art is about losing yourself in something and not always knowing what it is or where it's going to take you. It’s about discovery."  

Phyllida Barlow  


Course Summary

The teaching of A Level Art and Design at Christ’s is broad and contemporary, immersing students in an environment where their creativity is challenged and where outcomes reflect personal choices and attitudes.


Year 12

Term 1 students  complete  a range of teacher-led practical workshops, ending with a PPE produced final piece under timed conditions.

In Terms 2 and 3 students choose their own topic from past papers and respond in a wide range of styles and media. Outcomes are encouraged in painting, printmaking and sculpture.


Year 13

Students work on self-titled projects and specialise in one area, or can produce a combined portfolio showing a range of approaches for examination. Students have exhibited photography, video and installation, alongside painting, printmaking and sculpture.



We have two large fully equipped specialist Art rooms, with a kiln, specialist screen and etching press printmaking spaces. We are supported within the Art and Technology faculty for 3D work including a hearth for metal work and a laser cutter.


Enrichment and Extra-Curricular

Students are expected to demonstrate an interest in Art and Design outside of school, actively visiting galleries and exploring the work of other artists. Students have every opportunity to work in the Department outside of lessons in numerous extra-curricular activities.


Exam Board


Course Specificaiton