Emotional Wellbeing

"There is no health without mental health" (gov.uk)

Mental health is part of our overall health and wellbeing.  It is important to remember that as human beings we all experience a range of emotions in response to what happens in our lives. When something positive happens we tend to feel happy or excited and if we are faced with worry or sadness we may feel anxious, scared, sad or angry.  Although these are all natural responses, our overall mental health can be affected by a whole range of different factors, including life events such as our home life, friendships, relationships, loss and study/work stress.

How we deal with these emotions depends on the circumstances and it is important to recognise that sometimes you may need some help in dealing with something that is affecting you. This area of the website will provide you with a range of resources as well as suggesting where to get help within school.  There are also links to useful websites and organisations for further information and support.

Most importantly.…please remember to be kind to yourself.

What is Emotional Wellbeing

We all respond to situations differently and there are a whole range of physical and emotional responses associated with mental ill health.  If you are experiencing some of the following it might be a good idea to talk this through with a teacher you trust:

  • An unusually sad mood that does not go away
  • Loss of enjoyment and interest in activities that used to be enjoyable
  • Lack of energy and tiredness
  • Difficulty in concentrating and making decisions
  • Difficulty in sleeping or having too much sleep
  • Excessive worry
  • Irritability, impatience, anger
  • Palpitations, chest pain, rapid heart beat
  • Restlessness or feeling on edge, nervousness
  • Avoidance of situations

Of course these are just a few of the potential signs, so if you have any worries do use the links on these pages to guide you.

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about any of these issues, please speak to a member of the Pastoral Team in school. Alternatively you can email our wellbeing mailbox wellbeing@christs.school. All emails are treated with the strictest confidence.


Page Downloads Date  
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy 19th Feb 2024 Download
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