
20200218 115805Subject Introduction

Head of Department: Helen Harris

Staff Contact Details:

The aim of the History department at Christ’s is to stimulate a curiosity about the lives of people living in the past. By learning about those who have shaped our local, national and international communities students will develop a sense of their own identity within the world in which they live. This helps to place value on their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain. An understanding of the past helps to bring greater understanding of the present; through which students can form their own opinions about the world in which they live, using the mistakes of the past to guide them. We also teach them to investigate these past events and, by so doing, to develop the skills of enquiry, analysis, evaluation, interpretation and problem solving. In order to communicate their ideas, students will learn to write clearly and analytically.

History is an exciting and enjoyable subject to study at Christ’s. Lesson are varied; many are enquiry based to allow students to explore historical evidence for themselves. Other lessons may use media or games to help all ability levels to learn about the past. 


The History department follows the Edexcel History GCE specification.

Years 12 and 13

  • Russia 1917 – 1991

  • Mao’s China 1949 – 1976

  • Agitation, protest and Parliamentary Reform in Britain c1780 – 1928

  • Russian Revolution (coursework)


Students will be set a weekly essay, or preparation for an assessment. In addition, they will also be set reading or note-taking where appropriate.


The History department organises a number of trips across the school.

Year 12:

Lecture Day on either Russia or China.

Year 13:

National Archives session on Chartism

National Archives session on Suffragettes


The study of History can open doors to a number of exciting career paths. Many politicians, journalists and lawyers studied History at university. History is as a ‘facilitating’ subject and is highly regarded by universities. This is because History develops a number of academic skills that can be applied to a variety of degrees and careers and is therefore an excellent A-level choice.





Edexcel A Level History
Course Code: 9HI0



Sample papers:



Year 12

Communist States in the Twentieth Century (Hodder)

Communist States in the Twentieth Century (Pearson)

My Revision Notes: Russia 1917 – 1991 (Hodder)

My Revision Notes: Mao’s China 1949 – 1976 (Hodder)

Year 13

Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary Reform in Britain 1780 – 1928 (Hodder)

Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary Reform in Britain c1780 – 1928 (Pearson)

My revision Notes: Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary Reform in Britain 1780 – 1928 (Hodder)

BBC Bitesize is a fantastic resource for KS3 and KS4 pupils. It has lots of quizzes and short videos to help students revise for assessments.

We also recommend:




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  • 09:54 AM - 18th July, 2024 Reminder non-uniform day and early finish tomorrow.Donations will be collected on the gate or via Read more will be dismissed at the following times:Sixth form 12:10pmYear 9-10 12:15pmYear 7-8 12:20pm pic.twitter.com/ZjDrViz4Kn
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  • 10:24 AM - 15th July, 2024 We're holding a Non-uniform day on Friday 19th July. We're raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support. Cash and Card payments will be collected at the gate or feel free to donate online. Read more pic.twitter.com/v46NJTRNpt
  • 02:28 PM - 12th July, 2024 Heitzman's Hampton Court History Hurrah with Year 8! pic.twitter.com/Wvqd7oAmd1
  • 09:39 AM - 10th July, 2024 CERN trip updateYesterday we had a tour by an Engineer/ Physicist who works on one of CERN current projects. After the tour, we saw CERN museum with lots of interactive activities.Today, we're going to see Patek Philippe history of watch making museum. pic.twitter.com/hqZPrTR14g
  • 02:53 PM - 9th July, 2024 CERN trip update - the students are getting stuck in and really enjoying themselves pic.twitter.com/Q2FmTLloiw
  • 02:24 PM - 9th July, 2024 Well done to the Yr7 Rounders Team who placed 4th in yesterday’s Borough Competition. Excellent effort from everyone pic.twitter.com/1F6rVHBWoH
  • 04:00 PM - 8th July, 2024 𝗣𝗿𝗲-𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗥𝘂𝗴𝗯𝘆 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗺𝗲𝗱! ✅🏉Excited to bring our Rugby Pre-Season Camp to this September! 🙌🤝Book now using the link below!🤩Booking Link: Read more#LionsSportsAcademy pic.twitter.com/LKUreGrVpd
  • 01:40 PM - 8th July, 2024 Cern trip update: Safely arrived in Geneva and enjoying the sunshine! pic.twitter.com/snG0rqynRC
  • 12:39 PM - 8th July, 2024 We are so excited to be with our friends and to start the renaming process for the new Ham Youth Centre 😍🥰 pic.twitter.com/Eyhts1bujg
  • 05:00 PM - 5th July, 2024 Christ's School Mock Election Results. Thanks to the Student Parliament/ 6th Form Leadership team for the smooth running of yesterday’s event.A special well done to Year 8 who had the highest rate of voter registration, and voter turnout! pic.twitter.com/H1MlCEFcKH
  • 01:24 PM - 4th July, 2024 Spaces are still available for Summer Childcare at Camp Beaumont, based at Christ's School.Quote CHRISTS24 at checkout to get 10% off!Read more about our subsidised/free trips for 15-17 yr-olds this year with Kingswood Here’s the link: Read more pic.twitter.com/4bQHr3CfsX