Enrichment Opportunities
Christ’s School aims to provide exceptional sporting, musical, artistic and other extracurricular opportunities for every student.
To provide a breadth of opportunities for our students to extend their learning beyond the remit of the curriculum.
To help close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students
The wide-ranging opportunities offered to our students is exceptional, and caters for all groups and students and interests. We offer a large number and variety of Extra Curricular Clubs before, during and after school. To view our whole school enrichment provision for 2023-2024, please click here.
We have a Gold Award Sports Mark winning Physical Education Department that allows students to participate and compete in a wide variety of sports.
We have a well-established and high-profile Duke of Edinburgh programme at Christ’s which is a cornerstone of our enrichment provision.
Christ’s School works in collaboration with The Brilliant Club Scholar's Programme to provide students with the opportunity to complete a supra-curricular piece of research to university level.
We offer all students in Key Stage 3 the opportunity to complete the PIXL EDGE programme across the 3 years resulting in a nationally acknowledged certification.
Educational Visits offer a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience an out-of-the-classroom learning environment. To view our visits and trips plan for 2023-24, click here.
Christ’s School is always looking to enhance our enrichment opportunities, and welcome any support from the community to offer more for our students.