

Head of Department: Mr Amrit Aujla

Please note: If you would like to study A Level Physics you must also study A Level Mathematics.

The department has eight teaching staff and three technicians:

‘Good teaching and learning’. That has been the Science Department’s focus in the last 8 years. We have achieved this – reflected in our continued success of the last 7 years. CORE Grades have averaged 80% A*-C (24% above the national average). Additional Science Grades have also remained high. We are continuing to attain our goal of ‘outstanding teaching and learning’.

We are the largest department in the School as Science is a CORE subject (with effectively 3 subjects combined – Biology, Chemistry and Physics). We have a Head of Department (KS4 Responsibility) and a Second in Department (KS3 Responsibility). We have heads of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We have six experienced teachers (5 full time, 1 part time). We all have vast experience (and success) at delivering the GCSE Curriculum with three Biologists, two Chemists and one Physics specialist.

There are 7 large laboratories, which have Fume Cupboards and the standard equipment necessary for delivering Science to a GCSE Level, as a practical subject.



Physics is about how things work, from the nano-scale to the cosmic - super massive black holes and galaxies within the universe. You will learn about forces in mechanics, waves, electrons and protons, gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields.  You will investigate nuclear energy and apply the fundamental principles you have learnt to solve real problems.  Practical investigations will be conducted in the Physics laboratory in addition to learning theoretical Physics.

Progress will be checked via homework and testing, each week.

Students are expected to bring together the principles and concepts from different areas of physics and apply them in a particular context which may be unfamiliar to them. High standards of work are essential. Students are expected to express their ideas clearly and logically using specialist vocabulary.

  • AS: two written examinations plus one practical examination.

  • A2: two written examinations plus practical based coursework

There are 9 lessons over the two week timetable taught by 2 Physics specialist teachers.

This course may provide opportunities for day trips and visit from external providers.


Recently the department held a successful ‘Science Week’ that involved all year groups, with our Year 12 and 13 students helping with the implementation and planning. This included a series of lessons that explored Forensic Science.

Science permeates through ALL aspects of our society, from the recycling bins that our department funded to the understanding of ‘reproduction’ – with social, moral and ethical issues. It would be impossible to list specific relevance as it is an ‘over-reaching’ subject


Physics is essential for any engineering course or degree and is highly sought after for other scientific or technical careers. Physics is an advantageous subject for courses ranging from medicine to careers involving business and finance.


Exam Board: AQA A level Physics

Course Code: 7408


Past papers:



A level Physics for OCR   Pub: Oxford University Press   ISBN: 9780198 352181

We recommend that the students should have a copy, but it is available free of charge on our science website

Advanced Physics for You  Pub: Oxford University Press   ISBN:9780748752966

This is available in school for students who would like a copy.

Revision Material

Online tutorials

Free to use for Y12, but requires payment for Y13.


BBC Bitesize is a good source of information, however ‘the World’ is Science – you cannot miss it!

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  • 09:54 AM - 18th July, 2024 Reminder non-uniform day and early finish tomorrow.Donations will be collected on the gate or via Read more will be dismissed at the following times:Sixth form 12:10pmYear 9-10 12:15pmYear 7-8 12:20pm
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