Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying (also called 'online bullying') is when a person or a group of people uses the internet, email, online games or any other kind of digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else.

Getting help with cyber bullying

Sometimes it can seem like cyber bullying will never end, but there are some things you can do to make it stop.

Nobody has to go through online bullying alone. Often the first step in stopping it is telling someone about it.

Someone you trust could help you report the cyber bullying and give you more confidence to deal with the situation.

How can I stop people bullying me on social networking sites?

There are lots of great things about using social networks, but sometimes people use these sites to be abusive or nasty towards other people.

Setting up a safe profile is a really important part of social networking. If it's possible, it's better to set up your profile so that you have control over who can see anything you post.

Remember that you have the right to block anyone who bullies you and report them to the social network so they can take down anything offensive.

There are lots of ways to deal with bullying on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube and many more. Find out more.

Tackling Cyber Bullying

Try and remember these tips:

  • Don't reply to any nasty messages you receive.
  • Keep the messages that you have been sent so you can show someone.
  • Don't answer any calls from a withheld number, or from a number you don't know.
  • Speak to your Form Tutor or Pastoral Support Worker.
  • If it gets really bad, you could change your number.
  • If you change your number, only give out your new number to close friends.
  • If the problem is serious, tell the police or call ChildLine for free on 0800 1111.
  • Don’t keep it to yourself or try to deal with it alone.
  • Tell an adult you trust, like a parent, grandparent or teacher. It helps to talk. 

Mobile phone operators can't stop or block a particular number from contacting another phone, but you can do this on some types of phone. Check your phone user guide to see if yours can. Mobile phone companies can only take action on the bully's account, such as blocking it, if the police are involved.

If you are concerned about cyber bullying you can email our wellbeing mailbox All emails are treated with the strictest confidence.

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