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Posted on: December 20th 2017

Headteacher's End of Term Letter

Img 8958ceDear Parents/ Carers

As this year draws to a close, we find ourselves at the end of the Autumn Term and have the chance to look back at a busy and successful term at Christ’s.  Through our website, emails, social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) and Christ’s Chronicles we have shared news and events.  We also launched the new Sims Parent app to improve home - school communication, allowing parents to track their child’s progress, attendance and conduct.

Yet again, students have had access to a wide variety of extra-curricular experiences. I thank my colleagues who have given their time and expertise, enabling us to offer our students so many opportunities to enrich their learning.

Our hardworking PTA organised another successful Firework Extravaganza, which proved to be a fantastic community event, and raised vital funds for our School. Thank you to all of you who have also donated generously to the parents’ fund. If you haven't yet made a donation, we would very much welcome contributions from as many parents as possible. The online payment site can be used for single donations or please set up a standing order through your own online banking to the ‘Christ's school unofficial account’ (Barclays Bank - sort code 20-72-17:  a/c 93373371 : use child name as reference)

In November, 110 Year 7 students attended a team building trip to Swattenden. It enabled tutors to take part in activities with the students to get to know them better. The activities were challenging and fun, and encouraged students to work in teams and took them out of their comfort zone. It was great to see them creating new friendships and showing determination and resilience. It was especially good to see so many students build their confidence and feel a sense of achievement!

Also in November, we held a Commissioning service for our new Chaplain, Tom Rutter and were pleased to welcome the Venerable John Kibble, Archdeacon of Wandsworth to lead the service.

Among the many sporting achievements this term, the Year 7 five-a-side football team became Borough Champions and our Year 10/11 basketball team remain unbeaten.

Our students’ talents were exhibited at the Autumn Concert held in November.  Yet again an eclectic mix of talent, superbly brought together to provide an enjoyable evening’s entertainment.

On Thursday 30th November, the Drama department, led by Miss Harries hosted an autumn Drama showcase.  Building on the success of the summer showcase, there were more students involved and more performances. The evening showcased talent from across all year groups, performing work studied and devised in lessons.  It was a great opportunity for parents and wider family to be able to engage in their child's education and see the impact of the enriching benefits of Drama.   All performers exuded confidence and their performances were well received by the enthusiastic audience​.  Thank you to Mrs Sharp who took some beautiful photos.

In Citizenship, GCSE students had the opportunity to present their campaign issues to our MP, Zac Goldsmith.  Our A Level politics students visited Parliament and the Supreme Court for a tour and enjoyed an hour’s Q&A with Mr Goldsmith.

Year 11s have completed a fortnight of Pre-Public Exams and we anticipate that results published on January 12th will reflect some outstanding outcomes across the year group. Mr Butler has fed back to staff how impressed he has been with the level of effort and focus year 11 have demonstrated, in order to get through such a concentrated exam session. A well-earned Christmas break for most!

We are thrilled that 4 of our Year 13 students had interviews with Oxford and Cambridge and 1 for dentistry.

Our annual Carol Service was held at Holy Trinity Church on 15th December. Thank you to all students involved for producing a memorable reflection on the true meaning of Christmas. Special thanks must go to Tom Rutter, our Chaplain, Mr Wilson, Director of Music, and Mr Hall, Music Teacher, for all their hard work co-ordinating the service.  We are very fortunate to be able to use Holy Trinity Church   every year and thank them for accommodating us.

Please read Christ’s Chronicles for news of all the activities our students participated in over the last term and for information about future events.

At the end of term we say good luck to staff who are leaving. Ms Nayaar, who starts her maternity leave and Mr Eccles, who has been covering in the Science department. I hope you will join me in wishing them well.

During the Christmas break please reflect on the Autumn Term with your child. The simple mantra is that we expect students to arrive to school, every day, on time, in full school uniform, ready and equipped to learn. This is followed so well by so many of our students, and we are grateful for the continued support of parents and carers in supporting this. During the break please check uniform to ensure that it complies with our expectations – if in doubt check with your child’s form tutor or refer to the school website. Particularly footwear should be formal school shoes. Blazers should be worn with overcoats, not replaced by them. Hoodies should also not be worn and trousers should be formal tailored trousers and not tight fitting leggings, treggings or jeggings. Students will be sent home to change if they are not dressed correctly.

Term ends on Wednesday 20 December at approximately 12.20pm for Years 10 and 11 and 12.30pm for Years 7, 8 and 9 in time for the celebration of Christmas. The new term begins for students in 2018 on Thursday 4th January at 8.30am.

 A reminder that Year 9 "Options" information evening will be held on Monday 8th January 2018 from 6-8pm.

Thank you for your continued support over the year. It is very much appreciated.

During Advent we look forward and prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Christ as the child of Bethlehem. I trust that in all the activity of this time, you will be able to find moments of stillness and some space for reflection, to prepare to receive that most precious gift of new life in Christ.


May you have the Spirit of Christmas – which is Peace

The gladness of Christmas – which is Hope

And the Heart of Christmas - which is Love.


All members of the staff team here at Christ’s wish you and all your family a happy and blessed Christmas and a joyful New Year.


Mrs H Dixon


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