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Posted on: January 10th 2018

Parent Governor Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen for a parent Governor to join the Governing Body at Christ's School. The Governing Body is asking you to stand yourself or to nominate someone who has parental responsibility for a child at the school to fill this role. If the Governing Body receives more than one nomination, then a ballot will be held.

The Governing Body is responsible for both the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Governing Body carries out its role by setting the vision for the school and then ensuring that the school works efficiently and effectively towards achieving its vision. It does this by building a thorough knowledge of the school and its community, by both supporting and constructively challenging the school, and by ensuring accountability and compliance. The Governing Body of our school is made up of foundation governors (appointed by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education or local churches), parent governors, staff governors, and a Local Authority governor.

Before you decide to nominate someone, or indeed stand yourself, you may want to know what is involved. Governors need not be experts in the field of education. What they do need is an interest in the school and in the welfare of our children and the time and energy to get involved. Governors also ideally need the ability to be able to build relationships with a range of people, to be able to work as part of a team, to be able to question, and to make connections between different types of information. Governors bring a range of skills and experience to the team and we aim to reflect these in designing the specific roles that they play on the Governing Board. All Governors are expected to be able to read straightforward budget reports and data on school performance across a range of key areas.

Parent Governors are elected for a term of 4 years. The usual time commitment during an academic year looks like this:

  • attend all meetings of the Full Governing Body, typically 4 – 5 per year
  • sit on one or more Committees and attend the meetings which are usually once a term
  • visit the school formally for monitoring purposes at least once a term
  • visit the school informally during term time – approximately 4 times a year
  • commit to attend training courses, perform additional research as required and possibly take part in monitoring a curriculum area or year group within the school
  • maintain confidentiality as required

In return, our Governing Body commits to:

  • provide Governors with a structured induction
  • provide access to quality training via the Diocese or Local Authority/Achieving for Children
  • provide you with an experienced Governor as mentor

If you would like to find out more about the role of parent Governor and how you can contribute to governance at our school, take a look at the Governors section on this website, or contact our Clerk to the Governing Body, Sam Burnett who can provide further information or arrange an informal discussion with our Chair of Governors.

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